Last modifed: 14 December2000
Academic year: 2000-1
Lecturer: Giulio Fella
Lectures: Physics Lecture Theatre Wednesdays 10-12
Classes: Thursdays CS 4.45 1-2 p.m. and 2-3 p.m.
Office hours: Wednesdays 12a.m.-1 p.m. and Thursdays 3-4
p.m. in W302 (Queen's building)
- 18-10-2000
- The first homework is due on Wednesday 1 November at 5
p.m. rather than in week 5 as initially announced. Delays
are subject to a penalty consisting of a 10% reduction in
the homework mark. Note that no homework will be accepted
after Thursday 2 November at 1 p.m. as by that time I will
start discussing the solution in class.
- Here is the solution to
question 2 in problem set 2.
- 25-10-2000
- The text of homework I is out under the link for problem
set 5.
- The on-line notes for lecture 5 are missing the figures.
Please copy the figures from your classmates.
- A few extra hardcopies of the notes for lecture 5 are available
in the folder outside my door.
- 26-10-2000
- Important: the text of question 2 Homework
I is imprecise. The sentence: "Individuals live for two
periods and are endowed with income Y..."
should be replaced with "Individuals live for two periods
and are endowed with Y units of the consumption good
...". The on-line version has been amended.
- 22-11-2000
- The text of homework II is out under the link for problem
set 8. In question 1 assume time is continuous. So the relevant
version of Fischer equation is i=r+pi where pi
is expected and, given perfect foresight, actual inflation.
- I have worked out answers
to question 2 and 3 in problem set 6. I made a mistake
in the solution to question 1 in my 1-2 p.m. class on Thursday
23 November. People who attended that class may want to consult
the errata for question 1 under the link above.
- 14-12-2000
- The text of homework III is out under the link for problem
set 11. To answer about what happens to prices and inflation
after time t+2 you need to know what the
government actually does at t+2. Assume that it actually halves
the rate of money growth as promised and that in the case
in which people had not believed the announcement, they finally
believe it at time t+2. Note that this additional information
should not affect your answer about the time path of endogenous
variables before t+2.
The links below take you to the lecture notes. If you cannot
view them, either they have not yet been uploaded or your browser
does not have the Acrobat Reader® plug-in. You can download it for free.
Lectures: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Problem sets: Top
Problem sets: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Giulio Fella
Room W302
Department of Economics
Queen Mary, University of London
Mile End Road, London E1 4NS, UK
Tel.: +44 (0)20 7882 5088 Fax: +44 (0)20 8983